Monday, February 25, 2008

Texas Here We Come!!!

I'm so excited me and the kids are going to visit my sister Shirley who lives in Corpus Chrisuti. We leave in 10 days. I'm not excited about the flight hopefully Savanna will be okay. Now that she is walking she doesn't sit still. We get to go the beach, San Antonino and Houston. I can't wait.

San Antonino


Emily said...

wow guys are quite the travellers! that will be a lot of fun! i've never been to it really hot there right now?

Alysha Sladek said...

how fun!! i just looked at your cruise pictures too... looks like it was a blast!!! i can't wait to do that one day. is ryan going with you to Texas? good luck if it's by yourself. ;) ooo and more pictures please

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